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Blog posts tagged

Rhys Davies
3 February 2020

Why you should buy a pre-installed Ubuntu workstation

Desktop Article

Dell offers numerous workstations that come pre-installed with Ubuntu. For users wanting to run Ubuntu, pre-installed hardware offers a lot of long term benefits. On top of receiving the Ubuntu desktop experience out of the box, users receive specially fine-tuned features that complement their chosen hardware. For a PC to receive this lev ...

Eric Jensen
18 March 2019

The path to Ubuntu Core

Internet of Things Article

At Canonical, helping customers overcome their challenges is what we do every day. In the IoT world, a common challenge we encounter is customers who are interested in transitioning to Ubuntu Core and the ecosystem, but are unsure how to begin. This post covers the recommended approach. In most cases, it’s relatively easy for ...

25 October 2018

Ubuntu Advantage successfully passes MSPCV cloud certification process

Canonical announcements Article

Canonical is pleased to share that it’s TechOps team has successfully completed the MSP Cloud Verify Program (MSPCV) certification process which recognises the quality of companies offering cloud and/or managed services. The MSPCV, conducted by the MSPAlliance, is based on the Unified Certification Standard (UCS) for Cloud and Managed Ser ...

Jorge O. Castro
15 December 2016

Get 50% off Linux Foundation training and certification

Cloud and server Article

It’s been a great year for Ubuntu. More and more cloud users are turning to Ubuntu for their needs on public clouds. On the private cloud side you can find us on most production deployments of OpenStack, and we’re bringing you the latest bits of Kubernetes and other exciting cloud technologies, like fresh Docker packages. ...

1 December 2016

Taking a stand against unofficial Ubuntu images

Cloud and server Article

Ubuntu is amazing on the cloud because we work with cloud providers to ensure crisp, consistent and secure images which you can auto-update safely. On every major cloud—AWS, Azure, Google, Rackspace, SoftLayer and many more—you can be confident that ‘Ubuntu’ is Ubuntu, with the same commitment to quality that you can expect when you insta ...

5 October 2016

The new XPS 13 Developer Edition lands in Europe and United States

Desktop Article

This is a guest post by Barton George from Dell. If you would like to contribute a guest post, please contact Today the 6th generation XPS 13 developer edition makes its debut in both the US and Europe (Canada to follow). This Kaby Lake-based system comes with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS preloaded and features the ...

John Dolen
14 August 2014

Cisco Systems Releases UCS Big Data CVD Based on Ubuntu OpenStack

Cloud and server Article

Ubuntu OpenStack continues to be the “go to” platform for enterprise scale out solutions, as Cisco releases its latest CVD (Cisco Validated Design), Hadoop as a Service (HaaS) with Cisco UCS Common Platform Architecture (CPA v2) for Big Data and OpenStack.  Read this CVD to learn about setting up OpenStack on Ubuntu to deploy and ...

29 August 2013

Ubuntu Certified Public Cloud Programme

Cloud and server Article

Joining Canonical’s Certified Public Cloud Programme is the only way to ensure that your customers get the best Ubuntu experience in your public cloud. The programme offers a comprehensive set of tools and services to give you peace of mind and allow for a superior customer service. Read this factsheet to understand what the programme ...

David Duffey
11 March 2013

Canonical and Dell expand joint PowerEdge Server engineering and support

Ubuntu Ubuntu Advantage

Today we announced a collaborative support and engineering agreement with Dell.  As part of this agreement Canonical will add Dell 11G & 12G PowerEdge models to the Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS Certification List and Dell will add Ubuntu Server to its Linux OS Support Matrix. In May 2012, Dell launched the OpenStack Cloud Reference Architectur ...

11 March 2013

Canonical announces certification and support for the latest Dell PowerEdge servers

Ubuntu News

Canonical today announced that it has signed a collaborative engineering agreement with Dell to support Ubuntu 12.04 LTS across the full range of Dell’s latest 12th generation PowerEdge Servers for Ubuntu Advantage customers. Over 45 Dell PowerEdge Servers have been certified by Canonical for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Customers who buy the Ubuntu ...

19 April 2012

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server to be certified, supported on HP ProLiant systems

Ubuntu News

Companies to target hyperscale, cloud and big data customers Canonical today announced the imminent certification and support of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, a leading Linux-based server operating system, on select HP ProLiant servers. Ubuntu drivers and management software delivered by HP will be included as part of HP ProLiant hardware warranty su ...

Victor Tuson Palau
19 January 2012

Ubuntu Certification – Website Improvements

Ubuntu Partners

The Ubuntu Certification Website has just got better. We have roll-out improvements to how we list systems and provided a powerful search feature. We want to ensure that you get as quick as possible to the information that you need. As part of the Certification website, we provide a feedback mechanism through Launchpad Answers. Over ...