We believe that talent is evenly distributed around the world
Equal opportunities
At Canonical, we are proud to provide equal opportunities to everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, veteran status, disability or any other protected characteristic.
No matter your background or location, we will give your application fair consideration.
Diversity is a strength. What unifies us isn’t our background or our culture, it’s our vision of the future and our dedication to delivering the best of the future for our customers and our colleagues. We are unified in our pursuit of company and personal excellence and our commitment to teamwork.
Read our statement on personal identity at Canonical ›Fostering participation
Working with a diverse community is part of our DNA. It’s been embedded in our culture since the early days of the Ubuntu project.

Team member
resource groupsInternal resource groups are dedicated to making Canonical a diverse and inclusive workplace.
Accessibility awareness
Our Accessibility Awareness Resource Group aims to improve employees’ quality of life, be it physical, cognitive, or mental. We host awareness events and, at times, suggest changes to company-wide policy.
Working parents
The Working Parents Resource Group is a forum where parents come together to celebrate the successes of their children, seek support for child-rearing at all ages, and offer a global community of shared experiences.
Canonical pride
Canonical pride provides support and guidance for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, their allies, friends, family and managers.
Women's resource group
Canonical’s Women Resource Group promotes the growth of women, personally and professionally, within the workplace.
Culture and identity
The Culture and Identity working group supports our team members by conducting data-driven assessments of company culture, and inclusive naming initiatives.
Our hiring process
We understand that if we are to offer opportunities fairly across the globe we need an equally fair and consistent process that assesses our people on merit and removes the ability to make decisions based on familiarity or local knowledge. We work hard to assess the ability and potential of every candidate whilst minimising bias associated with personal identity.

"I am particularly proud to work for an organisation that holds diversity and equal opportunity at the heart of its business. Our global reach allows us to consider people from all over the world for each open role we have. This presents an immense opportunity for talent in the open source community."
Hanna Neuborn
Global Head of Talent Science
Behind the process
We dedicate a huge amount of time to our talent process, specifically ensuring that we are making the best and most fair decisions on how we choose to select our people.
Informed decision-making
We have a professionally trained set of Hiring Leads that steer our recruitment processes. This set of individuals make their hiring decisions based on multiple information points collected throughout the application process.
Bias mitigation
Our written assessment is reviewed anonymously so that the grader cannot see any personal details associated with the submitter. This gives our candidates an opportunity to show what they can do on objective grounds, and removes any prejudice that may present itself at this stage.
Diverse viewpoints
We are also committed to building diverse interview panels to ensure that we invite differing viewpoints to make a truly fair assessment, whilst allowing our candidates to feel comfortable during the process and have the opportunity to meet a broad range of our people during the recruitment process.