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Blog posts tagged
"Ubuntu Desktop"

7 July 2014

Ubuntu and open source help the City of Munich save millions

Desktop Case study

Challenge Munich is the third-largest city in Germany, with approximately 1.5 million inhabitants. The local governing body employs more than 33,000 people – 16,000 of whom use PCs as part of their daily roles. Those computers are located at different sites and their users have widely differing needs. In 2001, there were 22 organisational ...

Maria Bonnefon
1 October 2013

Ubuntu pre-installed and in retail worldwide

Ubuntu Article

In the early days of Ubuntu, it was always a challenge to promote an OS that was so new and little known to the market; we were often asked ‘Ubun what…?”! Over the years, Canonical has grown rapidly, has innovated even faster and the community has spread the word all across the globe. Today, with ...

Mark Shuttleworth
16 August 2011

Dash takes shape for 11.10 Unity

Ubuntu Design

Feature freeze for 11.10 brings the likely look and feel of Unity for this release into focus. We’ve moved from Dash Places to Scopes and Lenses, introduced more sophisticated filtering and cleaned up some visual elements. ...

15 August 2011

Ubuntu Arabic, in print!

Ubuntu Research

A beta of Ubuntu Font Family Arabic, in print as part of the testing and debugging process for the Arabic coverage.The magazine is an intriguing tri-lingual production published by the Cultural Office of Saudi Arabia in Germany … German and English articles using Latin script at one cover and Arabic from the other. ...

4 August 2011

Thunderbird & Evolution Usability Testing

Ubuntu User Experience

Recently we hired an external consultant to compare the usability of 2 email clients: Thunderbird and Evolution. I have taken some highlights from the report to compose this blog. Setting of the usability session The sessions took place in early June at the Canonical Office in London. Thirty participants were recruited. All of them used ...

19 July 2011

Wireless dominoes

Ubuntu Notes

A while back we linked a video which explored organic displays, screens composed by “smart”, independent and moving pixels. The concept of “invisible” computers embedded in tiny units able to coordinate themselves for a bigger result is definitely fascinating. Today I saw this other inspiring project: Esper Domino from jarashi on Vimeo. I ...

13 July 2011

Ubuntu Orange is #dd4814

Ubuntu Article

Say it loud and say it proud! #dd4814 is the Ubuntu Orange and we want the world to know about it! ...

8 July 2011

Get excited and make things! – Wallpaper edition!

Ubuntu Design

Not that long ago Matt Jones of BERG fame came up with a really lovely idea! In response to the keep calm and carry on posters from the Second World War that had become so popular again he decided that a more positive statement was needed! “It occurred to me that this was exactly the ...

7 July 2011

My stickers have arrived!

Ubuntu Design

The stickers I made in my recent blog post have arrived and they’re lovely! ...

5 July 2011

Overlay Scrollbars – Update

Ubuntu Notes

When we introduced the new overlay scrollbars we knew it was a bold decision and we were expecting some critics because of the use cases we didn’t support. As hoped, we had a lot of very useful feedback. Most of the people very liked this innovation and understood our need to be consistent to our ...

4 July 2011

Most northerly Ubuntu fan?

Ubuntu Notes

This week we got a fun update from our traveling team member Ivanka! While passing through Dawson City in northern Canada Ivanka and Nick met Chalsie Warren and she recognised the Ubuntu stickers on their bike! This got me wondering whether we can track down the most extreme users starting with the most northerly Ubuntu ...

30 June 2011

What’s round and sticky and how you can make some!

Ubuntu Design

Some of you out there may have already seen that funky print shop just launched a new product, round stickers. This means that you can now upload round images and make lovely bespoke stickers in a pack of 52. Full disclosure before I start to say that I used to work at which ...