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Blog posts tagged

18 April 2018

KubeCon + CloudnativeCon Europe 2018

Cloud and server Events

Date: May 2-4 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Venue: Bella Center Copenhagen Booth: G-C05 The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference will be taking place in Copenhagen from May 2-4. It will cover Kubernetes, Prometheus OpenTracing, Fluentd, Linkerd, gRPC, CoreDNS, and other key technologies in cloud native computing. The Ub ...

James Donner
28 March 2018

What can you do with Kubernetes?

Cloud and server Webinar

This is the first webinar in our Kubernetes Month series! Speaker: Vinod Kumar Date/Time: April 4, 2018 at 12PM EST / 5PM GMT Need to get up to speed with Kubernetes? This webinar will give you the primer to the Kubernetes platform that you need. You’ve probably heard that Kubernetes is great technology, but have ...

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