10 posts from July 2009
New individual desktop services
By Canonical, 31 July 2009
The last few years have seen a dramatic increase in the size and reach of the Ubuntu community while netbooks have brought many new consumer users to Ubuntu. ...
Canonical to offer Ubuntu Desktop support and services
By Canonical, 31 July 2009
New offerings to individuals and small businesses to ease transition to fastest growing Linux desktop Canonical, the founder of the Ubuntu project,announced...
Distributed user testing of archive behavior in Ubuntu
By Canonical, 28 July 2009
In response to two paper cuts, “Have the file-roller automatically extract an archive on double click” and “‘Archive Manager’ doesn’t mean anything if you...
Karmic desktop contest script
By Canonical, 24 July 2009
I wrote a quick-and-dirty Haskell script to download photos from the Karmic Desktop Contest, setting a new photo as your desktop background every ten minutes....
Canonical releases source code for Launchpad
By Canonical, 21 July 2009
Release of Launchpad to encourage innovation Canonical, the founder of the Ubuntu project, announced today that it has open-sourced the code that runs...
Featured paper cut: Nautilus, simplified
By Canonical, 20 July 2009
I thought I’d share a fun paper cut from this week’s milestone that has seen some interesting developments. The proposed changes (and discussion) have grown...
Ubuntu Flickr photo submissions
By Canonical, 17 July 2009
The flickr group photos are coming along very well! ( ) Keep up the good work!
Karmic wallpapers
By Canonical, 9 July 2009
Ubuntu would like to include a beautiful set of images for our users to choose from in our next release. In order to accomplish this we have set up a wiki...
Test drive Ubuntu on your Mac with
By Canonical, 7 July 2009
During Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, Ivanka Majic, Kalle Persson, Andreas Nilsson, and I had a conversation about exposing designers to the growing momentum...
Canonical delves deeper into the cloud, launches Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud services
By Canonical, 1 July 2009
Partners with Eucalyptus to offer ‘private cloud’ assessment, proof-of-concept and support services. Canonical, the founder of the Ubuntu project, today...