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Backup and restore access to a MAAS deployment


As part of the management of a MAAS deployment of MicroStack it is good practice to backup the information and credentials required to access a deployment. This backup can also be used to provide additional nodes with access to the deployment.

For the purposes of this document, the MAAS deployment name is mycloud; all example commands will use this name.


Export the MicroStack MAAS deployment

Export the MicroStack deployment configuration and access credentials:

$ sunbeam deployment export mycloud
Deployment exported to '/home/ubuntu/.local/share/openstack/mycloud.yaml'

mycloud.yaml contains all of the details required to grant access to the MicroStack Cluster deployment from a different node.

Backup Juju configuration and credentials

Backup the Juju client configuration from a XXXX node with access to the deployment:

tar -czf juju-credentials.tar.gz .local/share/juju/*

juju-credentials.tar.gz contains a backup of configuration and credentials (including SSH keys) to access the Juju controller used as part of the MicroStack deployment.


Install the openstack snap and prepare the node for access

On the new node ensure that the openstack snap is installed and the node is prepared for client access to the deployment:

$ sudo snap install --channel 2024.1/edge openstack
$ sunbeam prepare-node-script --client | bash -x

Import the MicroStack MAAS deployment

Import the deployment using the mycloud.yaml file created as part of exporting the deployment configuration and verify that it is accessible using the sunbeam command:

$ sunbeam deployment import --file mycloud.yaml
$ sunbeam deployment list
┃ Deployment ┃ Endpoint                     ┃ Type ┃
│ mycloud*   │    │ maas │
$ sunbeam cluster list
┃ Node                              ┃ Machine ┃ Cluster ┃ Clusterd ┃
│ mycloud-infra-0                   │ running │ ONLINE  │  active  │
┃ Node                              ┃ Machine ┃ Compute ┃ Control ┃ Storage ┃
│ mycloud-hosts-0                   │ running │ active  │ active  │ active  │
│ mycloud-hosts-1                   │ running │ active  │ active  │ active  │
│ mycloud-hosts-2                   │ running │ active  │ active  │ active  │

Restore Juju configuration and credentials

This step will overwrite and existing Juju configuration and credentials and should only be executed on a clean node.

Using the juju-credentials.tar.gz created as part of backing up the Juju configuration from the home directory of the user:

$ tar -xzf juju-credentials.tar.gz

and then validate that the Juju controller and MicroStack models are accessible:

$ juju controllers
Controller       Model      User   Access     Cloud/Region  Models  Nodes    HA  Version
mycloud-controller*  openstack  admin  superuser  mycloud/default        4      2  none  3.6.1  

$ juju models
Model               Cloud/Region           Type        Status     Machines  Cores  Units  Access  Last connection
controller          mycloud/default        maas        available         1      2  1      admin   just now
openstack*          mycloud-k8s/localhost  kubernetes  available         0      -  118    admin   3 minutes ago
openstack-infra     mycloud/default        maas        available         1      2  2      admin   1 minute ago
openstack-machines  mycloud/default        maas        available         3     24  12     admin   1 minute ago

Last updated 18 days ago. Help improve this document in the forum.