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Support self-signed certificates in Apache Spark Client snap

The Apache Spark Client snap offers the possibility to submit jobs to a Kubernetes cluster with the spark-submit command.

In some use cases, there is the need to use self-signed certificates to trust self-hosted services such as Ceph or many others. For this reason, we had a feature in the Apache Spark Client snap to add certificates in the Java truststore inside the snap to validate the desired service.

Add certificate

To add a new certificate you can use the following command:

spark-client.import-certificate <CERTIFICATE_ALIAS> <CERTIFICATE_PATH>

where <CERTIFICATE_ALIAS> is the alias associated to the certificate and the <CERTIFICATE_PATH> is the path of the desired certificate. Please be sure that the path of the certificate is accessible by the Apache Spark Client snap.

For more information, see the blog post on how to deploy Charmed Apache Spark, with MAAS, Kubernetes and Ceph with self-signed certificates.

Last updated 4 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.