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on 10 September 2010

I don’t want to sound like a broken record but “PHEW! What a week”. Next Thursday will be our final freeze for Maverick. After this point it’s full steam ahead bug fixing, checking translations and making sure everything is ready for the release on the 10th Ocotober.

The main news from the design team is that a lot of us are working on bug fixes and the last changes to the desktop. Otto’s been hard at it on a new wallpaper and we’ll talk to you more about that next week. The release is really stabalising now and if you’ve not yet upgraded as I’ve said in previous posts hop on over to the dailies server and try it out. At least whack it on a USB stick and boot from it. You’ll be a happier richer human being for it*.

On the font typeface front you’ve no doubt enjoyed the updates this week from our guest bloggers at Dalton Maag. There’s more to come and if you haven’t looked I encourage you to take a look at Bruno’s post about the slant on the Hebrew characters.

As promised Lilly introduced herself in a fine post and followed that with a report on dConstruct. UK readers may be aware of dConstruct, an annual conference on design held in Brighton on the south coast of England. It looks like it was a great event this year and I’d encourage you to go and look up the talks online – you can listen to them in their podcasts section.

And also on the team front we announced that we are hiring!

And finally … we ended this week by taking a look at some of the new things that are and will soon be appearing on the Ubuntu shop. The one that really took our fancy was the travel mouse which is already available!

And on that shamelessly self promoting note thanks for all your comments and feedback. Have a great weekend!

* Canonical and Ubuntu in no way guarantee that you’ll be a happier richer human being once you’ve tried Maverick. Perhaps boot and watch this video. It’s the best I can do … it’s late on Friday and I want to go home …

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