56 posts from 2009
Canonical adds advanced Ubuntu service and support offering
By Canonical, 3 September 2009
Premium Service Engineer provides support for mission-critical and complex Ubuntu environments Canonical, the company behind the Ubuntu project, announced...
One Hundred Paper Cuts Round 8 Progress Report
By Canonical, 28 August 2009
One Hundred Paper Cuts Round 8 came and went last week, and good progress was made:Login screen clock has AM/PM suffix despite 24-hour formatTed M Lin...
Canonical at VMWorld 2009
By Canonical, 26 August 2009
Next week (31 August through 3 September) VMorld 2009 kicks off in San Francisco at the Moscone Center. For the second year, Canonical has a booth to...
One Hundred Paper Cuts Round 7 Progress Report
By Canonical, 20 August 2009
One Hundred Paper Cuts Round 7 drew to a close last week. Here are the paper cuts that were (or were not) addressed:GNOME Panel icons (on right side) move...
One Hundred Paper Cuts Round 6 Progress Report
By Canonical, 11 August 2009
One Hundred Paper Cuts Round 6 contained some of the easiest-to-fix paper cuts we’ve seen so far, but it made less progress than any previous milestone....
One Hundred Paper Cuts Round 5 Progress Report
By Canonical, 10 August 2009
Without further ado, here’s an update on the fifth round of the One Hundred Paper Cuts project. The paper cuts addressed were:When nautilus cannot unmount a...
One Hundred Paper Cuts Round 4 Progress Report
By Canonical, 4 August 2009
The fourth milestone in the One Hundred Paper Cuts project came and went over a week ago. Here’s a summary of the issues addressed:F-Spot puts photos in...
Landscape System Management Tool Adds Dedicated Server
By Canonical, 4 August 2009
Today we are announcing the Landscape Dedicated Server Edition — a stand alone version of Landscape that users can install on-site giving them complete...
New individual desktop services
By Canonical, 31 July 2009
The last few years have seen a dramatic increase in the size and reach of the Ubuntu community while netbooks have brought many new consumer users to Ubuntu. ...
Canonical to offer Ubuntu Desktop support and services
By Canonical, 31 July 2009
New offerings to individuals and small businesses to ease transition to fastest growing Linux desktop Canonical, the founder of the Ubuntu project,announced...
Distributed user testing of archive behavior in Ubuntu
By Canonical, 28 July 2009
In response to two paper cuts, “Have the file-roller automatically extract an archive on double click” and “‘Archive Manager’ doesn’t mean anything if you...
Karmic desktop contest script
By Canonical, 24 July 2009
I wrote a quick-and-dirty Haskell script to download photos from the Karmic Desktop Contest, setting a new photo as your desktop background every ten minutes....