24 posts from January 2016
Nodes Networking: Deploying OpenStack on MAAS 1.9+ with Juju
By Canonical, 31 January 2016
This is part 4 of my ongoing “Deploying OpenStack on MAAS 1.9+ with Juju” series. The last post, MAAS Setup: Deploying OpenStack on MAAS 1.9+ with Juju,...
Telco Demos With Juju: DataArt
By James Donner, 29 January 2016
Telecom operators currently need months to deploy new value added services to production. Not any more! Take a look into how DataArt is using Juju, Docker and...
Canonical Cloud Chatter: January 2016
By James Donner, 29 January 2016
Happy New Year! This January we’ve been busy with the release of Juju GUI 2.0 and MAAS 1.9 whilst getting ready for Mobile World Congress 2016 in Barcelona in...
IBM LinuxONE gets its Juju
By John Dolen, 28 January 2016
This week, via press release, IBM continued its launch of the LinuxONE family of high performance Linux systems. In August, we joined IBM with their launch of...
Canonical teams with Oracle to drive enterprise cloud adoption
By Canonical, 27 January 2016
Collaboration to drive innovation and flexibility into enterprise cloud deployments Ubuntu Certified Images now available on Oracle Cloud Marketplace Running...
Microsoft announces first Technical Preview of Azure Stack with Ubuntu
By John Zannos, 26 January 2016
The cloud is about choice, portability and scale. I believe it is important for every element of the cloud ecosystem to support and expand both. Ubuntu is a...
Telco Demos With Juju: Intro
By James Donner, 26 January 2016
In this blog series, we’ll be running through presentations featured during the Dangerous Demos session at TADsummit to show you how the next great...
Designing cloud tools in Cape Town
By Alejandra Obregon, 25 January 2016
Our cloud design team has just returned from a trip to Cape Town for our mid-cycle sprint. We have the luxury of being collocated in London and working...
Released: Juju GUI 2.0
By Alexia Emmanoulopoulou, 25 January 2016
We are really happy to announce availability of the new and shiny beta version of Juju GUI 2.0 with completely redesigned and rewritten user interface and...
Hardware Setup: Deploying OpenStack on MAAS 1.9+ with Juju
By Canonical, 22 January 2016
This is part 2 of my new “Deploying OpenStack on MAAS 1.9+ with Juju” series, and it follows up on my last week’s post Introduction: Deploying OpenStack on...
Introduction: Deploying OpenStack on MAAS 1.9+ with Juju
By Canonical, 21 January 2016
In the past months our Juju Core Sapphire team has been working on the design, planning, and implementation of a set of extended networking features for Juju...
NFV does not equal Hypervisor
By Maarten Ectors, 20 January 2016
Summary: This blog post will explain why network equipment providers are incorrectly investing in hypervisors to provide network function virtualisation and...