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Alex Murray
2 March 2021

GRUB2 Secure Boot Bypass 2021

Ubuntu Article

In August 2020, a set of security vulnerabilities in GRUB2 (the GRand Unified Bootloader version 2) collectively known as BootHole were disclosed. Today, another set of vulnerabilities in GRUB2 were disclosed, with similar implications. Because GRUB2 is a key component of the boot process, vulnerabilities in it can permit attackers to vio ...

2 March 2021

Canonical completes Azure Arc Validation Program, helps increase user confidence in Arc enabled production Kubernetes

Kubernetes Article

Microsoft Azure has just announced the details of its new Azure Arc Validation Program, aiming to further increase customer confidence in deploying Arc enabled Kubernetes in production workloads, and at scale. Canonical is one of the Kubernetes distribution providers to participate in the program, by completing conformance tests for one o ...

Andreea Munteanu
2 March 2021

Ubuntu in the wild – 2nd of March 2021

Cloud and server Article

The Ubuntu in the wild blog post ropes in the latest highlights about Ubuntu and Canonical around the world on a bi-weekly basis. It is a summary of all the things that made us feel proud to be part of this journey. What do you think of it? Why companies are still going manual Companies ...

Anthony Dillon
1 March 2021

Design and Web team summary – 01 March 2021

Design Design

The web team at Canonical run two-week iterations building and maintaining all of Canonical websites and product web interfaces. Here are some of the highlights of our completed work from this iteration. Web squad The Web Squad develops and maintains most of Canonical’s sites like, and more.  This iteration the we ...

Rhys Davies
26 February 2021

What is virtualisation? The basics

Desktop Article

Virtualisation plays a huge role in almost all of today’s fastest-growing software-based industries. It is the foundation for most cloud computing, the go-to methodology for cross-platform development, and has made its way all the way to ‘the edge’; the eponymous IoT. This article is the first in a series where we explain what virtualisat ...

Alan Griffiths
25 February 2021

Creating Graphical Shells – Try Mir in a Virtual Machine

Internet of Things Article

What is Mir? Mir is a set of libraries for creating graphical shells for Linux on a range of hardware. This means that there are a number of shells based on Mir and they work on some very different form factors. Mir is what glues together the “shell” experience, the applications and the hardware: Mir ...

Maciej Mazur
25 February 2021

What is MEC ? The telco edge.

Telecommunications Article

MEC, as ETSI defines it, stands for Multi-access Edge Computing and is sometimes referred to as Mobile edge computing. MEC is a solution that gives content providers and software developers cloud-computing capabilities which are close to the end users. This micro cloud deployed in the edge of mobile operators’ networks has ultra low laten ...

25 February 2021

DFI and Canonical offer risk-free system updates and reduced software lead times for the IoT ecosystem

Canonical announcements Article

Feb. 25, 2021 – DFI and Canonical signed the Ubuntu IoT Hardware Certification Partner Program. DFI is the world’s first industrial computer manufacturer to join the program aimed at offering Ubuntu-certified IoT hardware ready for the over-the-air software update. The online update mechanism of and the authorized DFI online application s ...

Andreea Munteanu
22 February 2021

Still figuring out what is Kubeflow?

Kubeflow Article

Kubeflow has become quite popular in the MLOps community as the tool that enables data science teams to automate their workflows from data preprocessing to model deployment on Kubernetes. However, with it’s made of many pieces, and while it keeps evolving, how can you effectively start using? Learn Kubeflow from online courses Started by ...

Gabriel Aguiar Noury
22 February 2021

Build smart displays with mir 2.3.2

Internet of Things Article

mir was designed to help systems on chips (SoCs) to reduce their development and maintenance investment in Linux graphics drivers. Today, mir works across the whole stack of devices, from desktop computers, tablets and phones, to IoT devices. You can find mir in industry GUI applications to smart mirrors, enabling developers to design inn ...

Anthony Dillon
19 February 2021

Supporting “I don’t care about cookies”

Design Article

It all started one day when my boss turned to me and said, the legal team have said we need to ask a person before our websites can start using non-essential cookies. So we started the cookie-policy project which is written in vanilla JavaScript with accompanying styling and the back-end implemented via Google Tag Manager. ...