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Blog posts tagged
"Trusted execution environments"

7 April 2023

Build the foundation for your zero trust strategy with Ubuntu confidential computing

Confidential computing Confidential computing

Why do we want to eliminate trust? Isn’t trust a good thing that we should foster and grow? And shouldn’t computing platforms trust their end-users, and vice versa? The short answer is no. And I would argue that the very goal of system security has always been to reduce trust.  For instance, because you do ...

21 March 2023

Canonical joins the confidential computing consortium

Confidential computing Confidential computing

We are happy to announce we have joined the confidential computing consortium, a project community at the Linux Foundation that is focused on accelerating the adoption of confidential computing and driving cross-industry collaboration around relevant open source software, standards and tools. ...

13 December 2022

What’s confidential, generally available, and open source? It’s Canonical Ubuntu 22.04 on Microsoft Azure!

Confidential computing Confidential computing

On behalf of all Canonical teams, I am happy to announce the general availability of Ubuntu 22.04 Confidential VMs (CVMs) on Microsoft Azure! They are part of the Microsoft Azure DCasv5/ECasv5 series that leverage the latest security extensions of the third generation of AMD CPUs, Secure Encrypted Virtualization-Secure Nested Paging (SEV- ...

31 October 2022

Confidential computing in public clouds: isolation and remote attestation explained

Confidential computing Confidential computing

In the first part of this blog series, we discussed the run-time (in)security challenge, which can leave your code and data vulnerable to attacks by both the privileged system software of the public cloud infrastructure, as well as its administrators. We also introduced the concept of trusted execution environments and confidential comput ...

11 October 2022

What is confidential computing? A high-level explanation for CISOs

Confidential computing Confidential computing

Privacy enhancing technologies and confidential computing are two of my favorite topics to talk about! So much so that I am writing this blog post on a sunny Saturday afternoon. But wait, what’s that I hear you murmuring? “What is confidential computing? And how does it affect me?” Those are two very good questions.  Before ...

28 July 2022

Let’s get confidential! Canonical Ubuntu Confidential VMs are now generally available on Microsoft Azure

Confidential computing Confidential computing

On behalf of all Canonical teams, I am happy to announce the general availability of Ubuntu Confidential VMs (CVMs) on Microsoft Azure! They  are part of the Microsoft Azure DCasv5/ECasv5 series, and only take a few clicks to enable and use. Ubuntu 20.04 is the first and only Linux distribution to support Confidential VMs on ...

Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos
16 December 2021

How we designed Ubuntu Pro for Confidential Computing on Azure

Confidential computing Confidential computing

Not all data is destined to be public. Moving workloads that handle secret or private data from an on-premise setup to a public cloud introduces a new attack surface with different risks. As the public cloud environment shares its hardware infrastructure, a flaw in the clouds’ isolation mechanisms can be detrimental to the protection of ...

regis paquette
14 April 2020

IBM Z delivers a Trusted Execution Environment with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and new single frame models

Confidential computing Confidential computing

In September 2019, IBM released z15 and LinuxONE III, the most secure cloud environment in the market featuring pervasive encryption built-in at its core with Ubuntu. This offered a solid foundation to launch hardened security offerings for the mainframe across platforms such as MongoDB, Postgres, IDAA, IBM Cloud Private and the IBM Hyper ...