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David Britton
on 30 June 2017

Ubuntu Server Development Summary – 30 Jun 2017

Hello Ubuntu Server!

The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update and highlights for any interesting subjects from the Ubuntu Server Team. If you would like to reach the server team, you can find us at the #ubuntu-server channel on Freenode. Alternatively, you can sign up and use the Ubuntu Server Team mailing list.

cloud-init and curtin


  • Completed two SRU submissions this week:
    • Initial support for SR-IOV public preview instances on Azure
    • Fix apt-get race conditions at startup on AWS
  • Fix NTP integration tests on Artful


  • Completed SRU submission (LP: #1697545)


  • New Debian upload
  • Guiding new contributors around backports and uploads into Debian & Ubuntu
  • Enhancements to uvtool for better arm64 testing
  • Prepping CI testing on 17.05.x branch

Ubuntu Server Test

The Ubuntu Server team’s Jenkins instance is managed using Jenkins Job Builder. All these scripts and other test tools are now located under the Canonical Server Team’s GitHub page.

Bug Work and Triage

IRC Meeting

Ubuntu Server Packages

  • First review of pcp main inclusion request (MIR)
  • Fix strongswan import due to top-level pristine-tar/dsc branches
  • Updated to server guide
    • Section on virtual functions and USB passthrough
    • Accessing qemu monitor via libvirt

Below is a summary of uploads to the development and supported releases. Current status of the Debian to Ubuntu merges is tracked on the Merge-o-Matic page. For a full list of recent merges with change logs please see the Ubuntu Server report.

Uploads to the Development Release (Artful)

cloud-init, 0.7.9-199-g4d9f24f5-0ubuntu1, smoser
cloud-init, 0.7.9-197-gebc9ecbc-0ubuntu1, smoser
exim4, 4.89-3ubuntu1, mdeslaur
freeipmi, 1.4.11-1.1ubuntu4, dannf
libcommons-cli-java, 1.4-1, None
libvirt, 2.5.0-3ubuntu10, corey.bryant
libyaml, 0.1.7-2ubuntu2, costamagnagianfranco
libyaml, 0.1.7-2ubuntu1, costamagnagianfranco
lxd, 2.15-0ubuntu3, stgraber
lxd, 2.15-0ubuntu2, stgraber
lxd, 2.15-0ubuntu1, stgraber
openldap, 2.4.44+dfsg-7ubuntu1, costamagnagianfranco
openldap, 2.4.44+dfsg-6ubuntu1, costamagnagianfranco
python-django, 1:1.11.2-2ubuntu1, vorlon
python-tornado, 4.5.1-2ubuntu1, costamagnagianfranco
samba, 2:4.5.8+dfsg-2ubuntu3, vorlon
screen, 4.6.0-1, None
Total: 17

Uploads to Supported Releases (Trusty, Xenial, Yakkety, Zesty)

apache2, zesty, 2.4.25-3ubuntu2.1, mdeslaur
apache2, yakkety, 2.4.18-2ubuntu4.2, mdeslaur
apache2, xenial, 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.3, mdeslaur
apache2, trusty, 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.16, mdeslaur
apache2, xenial, 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.3, mdeslaur
apache2, trusty, 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.16, mdeslaur
apache2, yakkety, 2.4.18-2ubuntu4.2, mdeslaur
apache2, zesty, 2.4.25-3ubuntu2.1, mdeslaur
autofs, xenial, 5.1.1-1ubuntu3.1, slashd
autofs, yakkety, 5.1.1-1ubuntu4, slashd
bind9, zesty, 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-10.1ubuntu5.1, mdeslaur
bind9, yakkety, 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-10.1ubuntu1.7, mdeslaur
bind9, xenial, 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.7, mdeslaur
bind9, trusty, 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.15, mdeslaur
bind9, xenial, 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.7, mdeslaur
bind9, trusty, 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.15, mdeslaur
bind9, yakkety, 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-10.1ubuntu1.7, mdeslaur
bind9, zesty, 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-10.1ubuntu5.1, mdeslaur
cloud-init, xenial, 0.7.9-153-g16a7302f-0ubuntu1~16.04.2, smoser
cloud-init, trusty, 0.7.5-0ubuntu1.22, smoser
cloud-init, xenial, 0.7.9-153-g16a7302f-0ubuntu1~16.04.2, smoser
cloud-init, yakkety, 0.7.9-153-g16a7302f-0ubuntu1~16.10.2, smoser
cloud-init, zesty, 0.7.9-153-g16a7302f-0ubuntu1~17.04.2, smoser
cloud-init, xenial, 0.7.9-153-g16a7302f-0ubuntu1~16.04.1, smoser
cloud-init, yakkety, 0.7.9-153-g16a7302f-0ubuntu1~16.10.1, smoser
cloud-init, zesty, 0.7.9-153-g16a7302f-0ubuntu1~17.04.1, smoser
curtin, zesty, 0.1.0~bzr505-0ubuntu1~17.04.1, smoser
curtin, yakkety, 0.1.0~bzr505-0ubuntu1~16.10.1, smoser
curtin, xenial, 0.1.0~bzr505-0ubuntu1~16.04.1, smoser
nginx, xenial, 1.10.3-0ubuntu0.16.04.1, teward
Total: 30

Contact the Ubuntu Server team

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