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on 26 November 2018

KubeCon and CloudNativeCon are just around the corner and Ubuntu will be out in force.

Held between December 10th – 13th at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, KubeCon and CloudNativeCon will be a great opportunity to meet and talk with the Ubuntu team here at Canonical.

The Ubuntu team will be showcasing their work across Kubernetes and containers and highlighting what makes Ubuntu the platform of choice for developers.

What makes Canonical stand out from the crowd is that it works in close partnership with Google, the pioneers of Kubernetes (also known as K8s), and we offer a pure version that runs everywhere Ubuntu is, on every cloud. Canonical’s Ubuntu operating system underpins most container initiatives, including over 70% of Docker containers in use today. Moreover, Microsoft’s Azure Kubernetes service is built on Ubuntu and in partnership with Google, Canonical released its own distribution of Kubernetes. Canonical is also an active partner in all the leading container initiatives, including Docker, and is a member of the Cloud Native Compute Foundation.

The Ubuntu booth at KubeCon and CloudNativeCon will be P7 and there will be plenty of opportunities to find out more about our AI/ML Add-on for Discoverer and Discoverer Plus and discover how we can get your business taking full advantage of AI/ML power.

We’ll be holding a number of demos at the booth throughout the show, including:

  • Installing microK8s
  • The Ubuntu AI story told with examples of virtual instance on AWS, the Juju k8s model, Jupyter hub, Kaggle and a Tensorflow dashboard.
  • A look at the Cloud Native platform, including: K8s, Rancher, Jfrog and more.
  • We will also be making a number of big announcements at the event that you won’t want to miss.

If you’re interested in hearing more about Ubuntu or with speaking with someone from the team.

Contact us

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