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25 posts from February 2019

Building ROS 2 snaps with Colcon

By Kyle Fazzari, 28 February 2019

The snapcraft CLI has supported building ROS1 snaps for a while via the catkin plugin. We supported the ROS2 betas via the ament plugin, but that was before...

Canonical adds containerd to Ubuntu Kubernetes

By Canonical, 28 February 2019

February 28, 2019 – Canonical today announced support for containerd in its 1.14 releases of Charmed Kubernetes and Microk8s, improving security and...

How to backup your application settings

By Igor Ljubuncic, 28 February 2019

A reliable data backup plan should be an integral part of everyone’s software arsenal. If you accidentally delete your files, or something goes wrong in your...

Single-Node Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi with MicroK8s and Ubuntu

By Calvin Hartwell, 27 February 2019

Introduction The goal of this blog post is to explain how to setup and run Ubuntu Server on a Raspberry Pi with MicroK8s on-top to provide a single-node...

Using LXD on your Chromebook

By Stéphane Graber, 26 February 2019

Introduction On supported Chromebook, starting with Chrome OS 69, a new feature called Linux Apps was introduced. This allows Chrome OS users, on supported to...

Ubuntu is EAL2 certified

By Canonical, 26 February 2019

Canonical has received Common Criteria EAL2 certification. The evaluation covers a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS on one of the supported platforms...

Securing IoT device data against physical access

By Sarah Dickinson, 26 February 2019

Security remains the number one concern when designing and deploying IoT devices. High profile breaches continue to occur and concerns cease to subside. For...

EdgeX Foundry, the common framework for IoT edge computing, now available as a snap

By Tony Espy, 25 February 2019

EdgeX Foundry is now available as a snap, making it available to millions of Linux users and developers via the ever-expanding Snap Store. EdgeX Foundry is a...

Design and Web team summary – 20 February 2019

By Anthony Dillon, 20 February 2019

Snapcraft squad Report a Snap Last year, a snap was found in the Snap Store using computing resources for bitcoin mining without user consent. This software...

How selecting the right Linux OS expedites IoT time to market

By Sarah Dickinson, 20 February 2019

With a proliferation of related hardware, software and solutions being rushed out to capture the promise of a multi-billion dollar IoT industry, vendors are...

Easy IoT with Ubuntu Core and Raspberry Pi

By Robert Ancell, 19 February 2019

My current job involves me mostly working in the upper layers of the desktop software stack however I started out working in what was then called embedded...

The forecast is robots

By Eric Jensen, 15 February 2019

Robots are an increasingly important part of our lives, in more ways than we realise. I’m not talking just about Roombas, or the toy robots that inhabit the...

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