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Blueprint (deprecated)

See also: How to use a blueprint

In Multipass, a blueprint is a recipe to create a customised Multipass instance.

Blueprints consist of a base image, cloud-init initialisation, and a set of parameters describing the instance itself, e.g. minimum memory, CPUs or disk.

Blueprints are defined from a YAML file with the following schema:

# v1/<name>.yaml

description: <string>      # * a short description of the blueprint ("tagline")
version: <string>          # * a version string

runs-on:                   # a list of architectures this blueprint can run on
- arm64                    #   see
- x86_64                   #   for a list of valid values

  <name>:                  # * equal to the blueprint name
    image: <base image>    # a valid image alias, see `multipass find` for available values
      min-cpu: <int>       # the minimum number of CPUs this blueprint can work with
      min-mem: <string>    # the minimum amount of memory (can use G/K/M/B suffixes)
      min-disk: <string>   # and the minimum disk size (as above)
    timeout: <int>         # maximum time for the instance to launch, and separately for cloud-init to complete
      vendor-data: |       # cloud-init vendor data

health-check: |            # a health-check shell script ran by integration tests

Blueprints currently integrated into Multipass can be found with the multipass find command.

For more information on creating a blueprint for inclusion into Multipass, please refer to the GitHub project.

Errors or typos? Topics missing? Hard to read? Let us know or open an issue on GitHub.

Last updated 5 days ago. Help improve this document in the forum.